Failsafe Your Bypass Pumping Project

Bypass pumping projects are among the riskiest of pumping operations. Don’t let a flawed set-up incur cost or deficiency to your operation. Below are some tips to failsafe your bypass pumping operation:
Use a standby pump:
A standby pump or pump system is the only way to ensure that your operation will work in the event of a pump failure. A backup pump system should be spec’d to handle no less than the capacity of the primary pump or pumping system. A standby pump system should always operate on an individual automated control device.
Use automated pump controls:
Automated pump controls can keep water below the desired level or within a level range. Our specially designed automated pump control units can govern up to four pumps on a common float. Using automated pump controls will allow you to set the recharge time between pump operations saving wear on pumping equipment and reducing fuel consumption.
Use two independent discharge lines:
Using two independent discharge lines will reduce discharge fluid velocity, pressure losses due to friction and can provide a back-up plan in the event of a leak. The discharge line diameter should be spec’d to desired flow rates and each should be outfitted with a check valve and gate valve for backflow prevention and ease of isolation.
Spec pumps and lines to peak flow rates:
The primary pump system should be spec’d to handle no less than 150% of “peak flow” conditions within the water level parameters set with an automated control device. The primary and back up pumping systems should be collectively capable of handling the maximum wet weather condition and peak flow of the bypass.
Use valves (for isolation of system segments):
Every bypass project will have no less than two system segments for each pump; a suction line and a discharge line. In most cases, each pump will have an independent suction line. If the pumps share a common discharge system, gate valves should be used to isolate a given pump from the discharge system. In the event of a pump failure or leak, a pump can be completely removed from the system and replaced if necessary.
Use pneumatic bypass pipe plugs:
Whether your project is a gravity bypass or a dynamic bypass, pneumatic bypass pipe plugs will allow you to connect a suction or discharge line directly to a pipe or sewer line. This can make work in confined spaces such as manholes safe and manageable.
Practice redundancy:
Any bypass pumping operation should be designed with redundant attributes. Using multiple smaller pumps though one large pump would suffice allows for continuous flow even in the event of a pump failure. Also, a redundant fuel source like a “day tank” will provide ample fuel supply for unmanned pump operation and reduce time spent refueling equipment daily.
Mind your environment:
Bypass projects often involve challenging or delicate work environments. While operating a bypass project it is important to be mindful of your surroundings. Bypass projects near residential areas should utilize sound attenuated pumps as a courtesy to nearby residents. Our sound attenuated pumps are also equipped with tamper-proof devices keeping your operation secure. Pumps should also be placed away from trees or plant life that may ignite with exposure to hot exhaust fumes. Containment berms should always be used when pumping wastewater and can also protect against spills from refueling.